It’s July 1st as I type this, exactly halfway through 2024. Time sure flies when you have you’re intentional with your time!
As a way to check-in with my progress, I am putting together a list of questions I’m asking myself around the goals I set forth at the beginning of the year, the amazing things I’ve done and experienced so far, and areas where I can improve upon.
- What is working well?
- What is the one thing that makes everything else easier?
- What are the big rocks and milestones I had in my business? Personal life? Health? Financial?
- What do I need to adjust?
- Do I have the support I need?
- What skills do I need to learn or hone to get where I want to go?
- What do I want more of? What do I want less of?
In thinking about the goals and experiences I want for the latter half of the year, I’m asking myself these questions:
- Does this align with the life I want to create?
- Am I choosing this for myself or for others?
- Will my future self thank me for this?
- Does this raise or lower my energy?
- What does the best version of myself need?
- Are they systems I have in place working?
- Where do I need support?
I encourage you to take an hour or so sometime in the next few weeks to reflect on all you’ve accomplished and experienced thus far in 2024, to celebrate the milestones! Then contemplate what you want the rest of your year to look like, be full of. How you want to feel, who you want to be around, what you want for yourself, your business and family.