So I know you’re not ready to buy a home right now. I get it, it’s a huge decision and you’re not in the right headspace, financial space, geographical space…..and you may be thinking, ‘I may not even want to buy a house, like, ever!’
My philosophy, however? Plan for what you want!
You may not be ready for home ownership in the next year or so, but it’s never too early to start thinking about and planning for your BIG life! And owning your own home (or rental property) is BIG!
I’ve created an email series that will provide tons of information, tools and tips to get you ready for a huge life milestone: purchasing a home! Over several months, I’ll give you tactical things to do now as well as concepts to be aware of and to put into action now so you feel prepared for anything!
And if you’re in the ‘Renter for Life’ or ‘I don’t even know where I want to live’ camp – that’s cool!
I’m all about passing on tactical knowledge to set you up for success – in fact, I’ll guarantee you’ll extract new ways of thinking, tools and resources to improve areas of your life and at the very least, hear from a friend who wants nothing but for you to Build & Invest with Happy in Mind!
So buckle up, think about your big life, plan your moves, and take action!